Course Category:
Earn Certification CEUs, CEs
(Continuing Education Units including Ethics)

Board Certified Patient Advocate

Certified Senior Advisor
How does one “prove” he or she is a good advocate or care manager?
You may need to make that proof before someone hires you, and earning certification is one way to do that. There are many certifications that support advocacy and care management, including BCPA, CCM, CSA, CGCM, CLCP, or others.
One course we offer will help you decide if earning your certification is important to you: Is Advocacy Certification Right for You?
Once you have earned your certification, you’ll be responsible for maintaining it. Find courses listed below to help you earn the continuing education credits (CEs, or CEUs) you’ll need to do so.
The courses listed below are pre-approved to provide CEs or CEUs for one or more certifications.
If you wish to earn credits for certifications that have not been pre-approved, please contact us. We’ll provide you with the material you need to submit to your certification body for approval.
Find more course categories below.

Medication Basics for Patient Advocates

Putting Together Key Pieces of the Puzzle: Bench to Beltway to Bedside – Advocacy for Endometriosis
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Advocating with Pediatric Patients & Families
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Best Practices In Independent Advocacy and Care Management
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Client Acquisition: Overcoming Objections
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The Ethics of Health and Patient Advocacy
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Assessments and Price Estimates for Your Work with Your Client
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