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Foundations in Patient Advocacy
This course was developed to provide those preparing for a career in patient advocacy and those sitting for the Board Certified Patient Advocate Certification Exam. The course provides examples to illustrate the theory and show how it is used in day-to-day practice.

Advocating with Pediatric Patients & Families
Earn 2.0 ethics CEs toward your BCPA. Learn how to advocate with pediatric patients and families as they navigate the pediatric healthcare systems.
This course is rated
Advocating with Pediatric Patients & Families
4.8 out of 5 stars

Best Practices In Independent Advocacy and Care Management
Earn 2.0 ethics CEs toward your BCPA or learn about best practices to prepare for your BCPA exam. This is an advanced ethics course to make sure you are prepared to practice advocacy effectively, efficiently, and ethically.
This course is rated
Best Practices In Independent Advocacy and Care Management
4.74 out of 5 stars

100 Days to Launch Your Practice
This course was developed for those interested in launching or growing a successful health/ patient advocacy or care management practice. Learn all the business aspects of becoming a successful practice owner. Completion of this course will give you the confidence you need to move forward!