This is just a quick reminder that your registration and access to the course, , will expire within one month.
You may have completed it a long time ago, or maybe you never completed it at all. There may be downloadable resources at the end of the course, or even in the middle of it…. You may have earned CEs and need to download a copy of your certificate.
Bottom line, we know you don’t want your registration to expire without making sure you’ve pulled everything from it you can.
So why not take a moment to double-check? Log into your Dashboard and find the course. Then click briefly through the lessons to see if there is anything you want to keep.
While you’re thinking about it, why not check out the new courses that have been added since you last visited? Find them here: https://courses.practiceuponline.com/master-course-list/
We continue to build our support of you and the growth of your practice.
PracticeUP! Online Admin
PracticeUP! Online for Health and Patient Advocates and Care Managers
A part of the Consumer Health Advocacy, Inc. family of patient-assistance websites.