Dear ,
We’re pleased to inform you that you completed the course: Best Practices In Independent Advocacy and Care Management and have earned 2.0 Ethics CEs toward your BCPA.
You may find a link to your CE certificate by logging into your PracticeUP! Dashboard:
You’ll find a little certificate icon next to each course for which you have earned one.
When you click on that icon, it will take you to your certificate. Now download the certificate and save it on your own computer so you will have it when you need it for recertification.
We are pleased you mastered the material for these CEs and wish you good luck as you continue growing your independent advocacy or care management practice.
Please let us know if you have further questions.
PracticeUP! Online Admin
PracticeUP! Online for Health and Patient Advocates and Care Managers
A part of the Consumer Health Advocacy, Inc. family of patient-assistance websites.