100 Days to Launch Your Practice

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Not Enrolled
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at the APHA Academy site:


100 Days to Launch Your Practice was developed to teach you about the business of advocacy, and give you the tools to launch and grow a successful health/patient advocacy or care management practice. This Patient Advocacy Training course focuses specifically on the business aspects of running such a practice. With APHA’s proprietary educational material and tools, this course is a soup-to-nuts, 25-module self-guided program that is delivered at your own pace and on your own time. We also offer drop-in live office hours for specific questions or conversations. Even if you’re already in business, you may find it helpful positioning yourself anew and this course will help you do that.

To learn more and register, visit APHA Academy.

APHA Academy is a combined initiative of two advocacy and care management focused activities: The Alliance of Professional Health Advocates and PracticeUP! Online. Learn more. 100 Days to Launch Your Practice is offered year round, with rolling enrollment.

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